4 Onboarding Strategies to Ensure Your New EHS Hire is Successful

When you hire a new EHS employee, there are some important steps you should take to make sure the onboarding process goes smoothly. It’s essential to provide your new hire with a great first impression of working for your organization. This will help them be successful in their new job and motivate them to stay with your company for the long term.

Here are some strategies for an effective onboarding process:

1. Set goals and expectations early.

When new hires are clear on their job expectations, it prepares them to be successful in their roles. Establishing performance goals and articulating them enables employees to assess their own progress, especially during the first few months of working for your organization. When you keep open communication with workers regarding their goals, it will help them feel comfortable providing feedback on what is and isn’t working for them, potentially pointing out issues in your company that you didn’t even know were there. 

2. Provide effective and thorough training.

Make sure you provide your new EHS hire with the training they need to do their job well. Don’t just throw them into the fire. It’s crucial that you ensure your employees are following important regulations and protocols. Every new hire from entry level to veteran can benefit from on-the-job training to make sure they stay in compliance and excel in their new position.

3. Practice cross-departmental onboarding.

Consider pairing up your new hire with a few experienced employees, including those who are outside of their immediate department, to learn the ropes of the company. This will help an employe understand how their new position fits within the larger organizational structure, and can result in collaborations between departments in the future.

4. Don’t wait until Day 1 to begin the onboarding process.

Don’t give new employees the silent treatment during the time between offering them the job and their first day. Consider sending them an email with the information they need to know on their first day, mailing them a welcome package, or having their manager give them a phone call. This helps to start providing the new hire with a positive onboarding experience.

Onboarding is a good opportunity to ensure your new EHS workers succeed in your organization. When you take the time to provide them with a great onboarding experience, it makes such a positive impact on employee productivity and morale, and your company’s overall growth.

Adapted from:

Five Onboarding Best Practices New Hires Will Thank You For, Scott Wardell, SmartRecruiters.com.

How to Onboard and Train Employees into a Safety Culture, Travelers Risk Control, Travelers.com.