5 Tips for Conducting the EHS Hiring Process Virtually During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives. As some states begin to reopen businesses, health officials warn that it could cause a spike in cases of COVID-19. Many organizations are wondering whether they should steer clear of hiring for now. However, there are still several ways to carry out the EHS hiring process virtually to keep your company moving forward.

Here are some tips to engage in the hiring process online to ensure the safety and health of you and your EHS job candidates:

1. Take advantage of social media, especially LinkedIn. Social media provides an outlet for you to connect with potential EHS job candidates, as well as reach out to passive candidates who you think would be a good fit for your organization. Social media allows you to start building a relationship with qualified candidates and view their job skills and experience.

2. Host an online job fair for candidates interested in open positions at your organization. You can use an online video communication platform like Zoom for the event. This can help potential candidates learn more about your organization and job roles you’re looking to fill, as well as enable you to learn more about interested applicants.

3. Make sure your company has a positive and professional online presence. This will help you to make a good first impression on candidates who are searching for your organization online. Your company’s social media profiles should be thoroughly filled out and optimized for keywords related to your industry.

4. Conduct your interviews virtually with a video communication platform, such as Zoom or Skype. You can still have a good face-to-face conversation online to help you determine whether a candidate would be a good fit for the job and your organization. Make sure you’ve tested the video communication platform before interviewing to ensure the technology runs smoothly. 

5. Conduct skills testing online. If you typically require your candidates to complete any skills-based testing, you can still do that virtually with a program like eSkill or Prevue HR. Even if you don’t, it might be time to consider it. Because you’re not able to meet with candidates in person, incorporating skills testing into the hiring process can help you better evaluate whether the candidate would do the job well. 

Implementing these tips will help you leverage technology to conduct the EHS hiring process virtually, so your organization can continue to grow even during this difficult time.


Should You Suspend Hiring During the Coronavirus Outbreak? Melissa Morse, HR Daily Advisor.